Bloodside : Le side-project de deux Protomartyr

Bon, ça sent pas le gros risque musical mais ça reste une belle association issue de la scène post-punk US. Ainsi, on apprend que AJ Lambert (petit fils de Nancy Sinatra et chanteur de Preoccupations) s’est allié à Greg Ahee et Mike Wallace (Protomartyr) pour former le groupe Bloodside.

Si un EP est annoncé pour Juillet, on peut d’ores et déjà déguster le single « Pica » (qui n’a rien à voir avec les Pokemons).

« Pica — the compulsive appetite for substances considered outside the realm of the acceptably consumable, ice, hair, metal. We wanted to focus on this attribution of “unacceptable” characteristic — this creation of abnormal value connections between objects. Our desire was to invoke similar divergent attributions of value within the visual space — specifically between the nouveau digital landscapes created by machine learning and other digital manipulations, and the body as it is experienced in the hyper-digitised moment. Both of these elements are deeply connected, nature as it exists in its unmolested state, and the human body are both deeply spiritual, deeply sublime entities. And yet both of these have had their form moulded and repurposed by their digitisation. »

Source : NME