Idles : Un clip Play-Doh Rated R

Idles a récemment sorti un clip por son titre « Crawl! » qui rappellera l’anim’ pâte à modeler des années 90 avec son esthétique cradingue. Ça passe ou ça casse visuellement. En attendant, le groupe a reporté une partie de sa tournée européenne prévue pour débuter ce mois-ci tout en annonçant une énorme tournée US. Tout va bien pour eux donc.

“This is the turning point, after you’ve crashed. It’s a good anthem for me to discuss with people who aren’t on the other side or who aren’t sober. You’re not the best version of you and you need to hold yourself accountable for your addictions and who you’re letting down. But it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. ‘Crawl’ the title is like, keep going. You’ll get there. ‘Crawler’ is like the character of me in the dark warmth of my addiction — a crawler, a night crawler, someone on their knees, someone praying, someone surviving. The grit of it. The weight of the world on you. All of those things is a ‘crawler’. — Joe Talbot

“If you’re being forced to crawl, you’ve surrendered to the notion that you can’t get up and run or walk. You’re having to surrender your hands and knees to the process of moving forward. Joe was dealing with a lot of these traumas and things going on in his life, and one of the ways he was dealing with them was with drugs and alcohol. He wasn’t able to walk, run or deal with it, so he had to crawl through it. It’s the first track on the album where you see the defiance of that: this is what I am. I’m pretty shit at some things and pretty good at other things, but I’m all me. This is the real turning point on the album, where there’s a self-realisation and defiance.” — Mark Bowen

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