Mastodon : « Ouais, c’est vrai… »

« … On a bien un album qui est en train de se faire ! »

C’est un peu ce qu’expliquait hier Brann Dailor pour le compte de Mastodon. Forcément quand tu peux pas tourner mais qu’il faut continuer à payer ta vie de mégaböss du rock (et des prod de 500 000$), il faut s’occuper et investir sur l’avenir. Le groupe aurait en fait 30 titres sous le coude mais ne souhaiterait en conserver que 10-12, la question du double album étant mise de côté !

« That’s a lot. That’s too much [laughs] but I think it is coming into focus now. The ones that we are wanting to play more than the other ones, those are the ones that are going to make it. But even with the ones we are really, really digging there are still too many of those — there are like 20 of those.

There is always room for new ideas too. We were jamming the other day and we had like 30 songs we could be running through and we started writing something brand new. It’s like, “STOP!” …but don’t stop as well.

As much as I think it’s kind of not the best to have one in the chamber, I don’t necessarily think it’s great for us to release a double album. I don’t see the problem recording a full length album and then because of the fact that we are not going to be able to go on tour immediately, record another full length album not far after.

I think that that’s a possibility that we will have an abundance of music and we will have an abundance of stuff that we really dig that we can release to the public while we are still in this muck. »

Source : ThePRP