Serj Tankian : 2 EP et 2 albums à venir !

On pensait Serj Tankian pleinement focalisé sur la sortie de son EP « Elasticity » et bien, non ! Le frontman nous explique que l’avantage du confinement, c’est qu’il n’avait rien d’autre à faire que s’enfermer en studio et enregistrer. Du coup, PAF ! Un second EP et deux albums sont à venir :

“All I can tell you is that I have some material ready from last year because lockdown was a musician’s studio dream, in a way. You can get in and work because you don’t need to travel or anything else. I was able to create and finish a lot of music as well.”

“I was able to finish this EP, I’ve created another EP of a different genre of rock, more electronic and mellow and beautiful. That type of music. I’ve got two records of cinematic music, instrumental music of stuff that I’ve had that I created for the sake of it, and a 24-minute modern piano concerto that I’ll be releasing this year.”

Bon, pas sûr que tout soit super excitant (on les connait ses boulots solo) mais comme toujours, on gardera un œil sur ces sorties. Rappelons que le premier EP sortira le mois prochain.

Source : ThePRP