Arlo Parks : That typical 90’s child

Alors que son 2ème opus My Soft Machine sort ce vendredi, Arlo Parks qui n’a jamais caché son amour pour l’indie rock 90’s se révèle un peu plus en musique à travers le titre Devotion qui fait la part belle aux influences les moins Soul de la chanteuse.

Et la comm’ qui l’accompagne :

« The music that I first fell in love with was 90s rock music, the flannel shirts and low slung guitars, the sweat, the angst, hair blurring head down smashing the drums. White Pony, Melon Collie And The Infinite Sadness, Nevermind, I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One, the Blue album, The Bends – I could go on forever…as a little 15 year old kid that was the music that set my heart ablaze. I wanted to draw from that energy, the speed and the openheartedness of it all. Thank you to my favourites Romil Hemnani, Baird and Paul Epworth for being my band. Thank you to my music video directors Joel Barney, SonderFilms, Ali Raymond and thank you SiriusXM SiriusXM Alt Nation for the first play. Devotion is out right now.  »