Royal Thunder : April O’Neil In the Showers

Ils nous ont emballé, puis déçu, Royal Thunder revient le 7 Avril avec son album « Wick », et du coup prend un peu d’avance en balançant « April Showers » eeeeet, ça rassure un peu sur ce troisième disque (surtout en lisant le reporter expliquer « if Crooked Doors had a weakness, it was that record’s propensity for winding song arrangements that distracted from their core pop rock strengths. »)

“A lot has happened in life between Crooked Doors and Wick. This song was a liferaft and an outlet while we were on the road. It was a song that we lived in and looked forward to playing, live. Personally, it gave me the freedom to release my emotions and process my thoughts while is was on the road. We hope you enjoy this song. And we appreciate your support, sincerely. We present to you…. ‘April Showers.’” (Miny Parsonsz)

Source :Invisible Oranges

01 – “Burning Tree
02 – “April Showers
03 – “Tied
04 – “We Slipped
05 – “The Sinking Chair
06 – “Plans
07 – “Anchor
08 – “WICK
09 – “Push
10 – “Turnaround
11 – “The Well
12 – “We Never Fell Asleep