Mogwai : Sortie de leur BO pour la série ZeroZeroZero

Je ne le savais pas mais dans la série « ZeroZeroZero » (revenant sur les réseaux de blanchiment d’argent de la mafia italienne et s’appuyant sur les recherches de Roberto Saviano), c’est Mogwai qui se charge de la BO !

Le groupe en a profité pour la balancer hier sur Bandcamp avant de la mettre à dispo vendredi prochain sur le reste des plateformes légales. Le prix est au bon vouloir des auditeurs sachant que la moitié des bénéfices sera dispatchée entre les services de santé anglais et un fond de soutien aux artistes (coucou Spotify).

“Most of our 2019 was spent scoring ‘ZeroZeroZero‘ and we’re really happy for people to hear the soundtrack album. It was a great project to be involved with and we’re really pleased with how both the show and the music turned out.

Like everyone else, we are isolating at home so the mixing of the record was all done remotely with Tony Doogan. With this release we’re hoping to raise money for Help Musicians and NHS charities via the release on Bandcamp.

We know that a lot of people working in music have seen earnings disappear and that those working for the NHS are experiencing horrendous pressures dealing with the Covid 19 pandemic.

By donating half of what we make in the first week, we hope to do something to help those in need. We’re also aware that everyone has been affected financially and because of that we have made the record available on a pay-what-you-can basis.”