Crosses (†††) : Deux nouveaux singles inédits à venir !

C’est via une interview de Chino Moreno que l’on a appris que Crosses (†††) allait balancer deux nouveaux singles d’ici la fin du mois :

“They’re different, I will say that. One of the songs specifically is one that Shaun sent me and told me he didn’t think I would like. Sometimes he’ll send me something and I’ll just throw some ideas and vocals on it and have it back to him in like four minutes.

Out of all the Crosses material of the past, one of them is a little more uplifting and less cerebral. It has this vibe that we hadn’t tapped into before, but once we dug into it we made it feel very much like us but just from a different angle. It’s coming out just before the summer, so I’m excited about that.

With each release, the picture of what this record is will come more into focus – for both the listener and ourselves. It’s going to be pretty exciting.”

On a appris au passage que le groupe comptait sortir ses titres en format EP/singles avant de compiler le tour sur un LP, comme ils l’avaient déjà fait en 2014 et le premier disque.

“I think there’s beyond a record in the can. It’s just about us now picking and choosing when and how to release it. The idea now is just to slowly put out ‘singles’ and little batches of songs over a long period of time, and then at some point to accumulate it into a full-length record.”

Source : ThePRP